This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 800 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N5.
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- See all JLPT N5 katakana words
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# | ごい | Vocabulary | Type | Meaning |
401 | 脱ぐ | nugu ぬぐ | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to take off clothes |
402 | 温い | nurui ぬるい | Adjective, い-adjective | luke warm |
403 | ニュース | nyuusu | Noun, Katakana | news |
404 | おばあさん | obaasan | Noun | grandmother |
405 | 伯母さん | obasan おばさん | Noun | aunt; old lady |
406 | お弁当 | obentou おべんとう | Noun | lunch box; Japanese box lunch |
407 | 覚える | oboeru おぼえる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to remember |
408 | お茶 | ocha おちゃ | Noun | tea |
409 | お風呂 | ofuro おふろ | Noun | bath |
410 | 美味しい | oishii おいしい | い-adjective | delicious |
411 | 伯父さん | ojisan おじさん | Noun | uncle; old man; mister |
412 | お母さん | okaasan おかあさん | Noun | mother; mom; mum; ma |
413 | お金 | okane おかね | Noun | money |
414 | お菓子 | okashi おかし | Noun | confections; sweets; candy |
415 | 起きる | okiru おきる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to get up; to wake up |
416 | 置く | oku おく | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to put; to place |
417 | 奥さん | okusan おくさん | Noun | wife; your wife; his wife |
418 | お巡りさん | omawari san おまわりさん | Noun | police officer (friendly term for policeman) |
419 | 重い | omoi おもい | い-adjective | heavy |
| ||||
420 | 面白い | omoshiroi おもしろい | Adjective, い-adjective | interesting |
421 | 同じ | onaji おなじ | Noun, Adverb | same |
422 | お腹 | onaka おなか | Noun | stomach |
423 | お姉さん | oneesan おねえさん | Noun | elder sister; young lady; miss; ma'am |
424 | 音楽 | ongaku おんがく | Noun | music |
425 | お兄さん | oniisan おにいさん | Noun | older brother; elder brother; young man; buddy |
426 | 女 | onna おんな | Noun, Prefix | woman; female sex |
427 | 女の子 | onnanoko おんなのこ | Noun, Expression | girl; daughter; young women |
428 | 多い | ooi おおい | Adjective, い-adjective | many; numerous; a lot; large quantity; frequent |
429 | 大きい | ookii おおきい | Adjective, い-adjective | big; large; great; important |
430 | 大きな | ookina おおきな | Pre-noun adjectival | big; large; great |
431 | 大勢 | oozei おおぜい | Noun | crowd of people; great number of people |
432 | 降りる | oriru おりる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to get off |
433 | お酒 | osake おさけ | Noun | alcohol |
434 | お皿 | osara おさら | Noun | plate, dish |
435 | 教える | oshieru おしえる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to teach |
436 | 遅い | osoi おそい | Adjective, い-adjective | slow; time-consuming; late |
437 | 押す | osu おす | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to push; to press |
438 | お手洗い | otearai おてあらい | Noun | toilet; restroom; lavatory; bathroom |
439 | 男 | otoko おとこ | Noun | man; male |
440 | 男の子 | otokonoko おとこのこ | Noun, Expression | boy; male child; baby boy |
441 | 大人 | otona おとな | Noun | adult |
442 | 一昨日 | ototoi おととい | Noun | day before yesterday |
443 | 一昨年 | ototoshi おととし | Noun | year before last |
444 | お父さん | otousan おとうさん | Noun | father; dad; papa; pa; pop; daddy |
445 | 弟 | otouto おとうと | Noun | younger brother |
446 | 終わる | owaru おわる | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to finish; to end |
447 | 泳ぐ | oyogu およぐ | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to swim |
448 | パーティー | paatii | Noun, Katakana | party |
449 | パン | pan | Noun, Katakana | bread |
| ||||
450 | ページ | peeji | Noun, Katakana | page |
451 | ペン | pen | Noun, Katakana | pen |
452 | ペット | petto | Noun, Katakana | pet |
453 | ポケット | poketto | Noun | |
454 | ポスト | posuto | Noun, Katakana | post |
455 | プール | puuru | Noun, Katakana | swimming pool |
456 | 来月 | raigetsu らいげつ | Noun | next month |
457 | 来年 | rainen らいねん | Noun | next year |
458 | 来週 | raishuu らいしゅう | Noun | next week |
459 | ラジオ | rajiio | Noun, Katakana | radio |
460 | 零 | rei れい | Noun | zero |
461 | 冷蔵庫 | reizouko れいぞうこ | Noun | refrigerator |
462 | レコード | rekoodo | Noun, Katakana | record |
463 | 練習 | renshuu れんしゅう | Noun, Verb, Suru verb | practice; practicing |
464 | レストラン | resutoran | Noun, Katakana | restaurant |
465 | 立派 | rippa りっぱ | Adjective, な-adjective | splendid |
466 | 六 | roku ろく | Noun, Numeric | six; 6 |
467 | 廊下 | rouka ろうか | Noun | corridor; hallway; passageway |
468 | 旅行 | ryokou りょこう | Noun, Verb, Suru verb | travel; trip; journey; excursion; tour |
469 | 料理 | ryouri りょうり | Noun, Suru verb | cuisine |
470 | 両親 | ryoushin りょうしん | Noun | parents; both parents |
471 | 留学生 | ryuugakusei りゅうがくせい | Noun | overseas student; exchange student |
472 | さあ | saa | Conjunction | well… |
473 | 財布 | saifu さいふ | Noun | purse; wallet |
474 | 魚 | sakana さかな | Noun | fish |
475 | 先 | saki さき | Noun, Prefix, Suffix | previous; prior; first; earlier |
476 | 咲く | saku さく | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to bloom |
477 | 作文 | sakubun さくぶん | Noun | writing; composition |
478 | 寒い | samui さむい | Adjective, い-adjective | cold |
479 | 三 | san さん | Noun, Numeric | three; 3 |
| ||||
480 | 散歩 | sanpo さんぽ | Noun, Verb, Suru verb | walk; stroll |
481 | 再来年 | sarainen さらいねん | Noun | year after next |
482 | 差す | sasu さす | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to stretch out hands, to raise an umbrella |
483 | 砂糖 | satou さとう | Noun | sugar |
484 | 背 | se せ | Noun | height; stature; back; spine |
485 | 背広 | sebiro せびろ | Noun | business suit |
486 | セーター | seetaa | Noun, Katakana | sweater; jumper |
487 | 生徒 | seito せいと | Noun | pupil; student |
488 | 石鹼 | sekken せっけん | Noun | soap |
489 | 狭い | semai せまい | い-adjective | narrow |
490 | 千 | sen せん | Noun, Numeric | 1,000; thousand |
491 | 先月 | sengetsu せんげつ | Noun | last month |
492 | 先生 | sensei せんせい | Noun, Suffix | teacher; instructor; master |
493 | 先週 | senshuu せんしゅう | Noun | last week |
494 | 洗濯 | sentaku せんたく | Noun, Suru verb | washing; laundry |
495 | 写真 | shashin しゃしん | Noun | photograph; photo |
496 | シャツ | shatsu | Noun, Katakana | shirt |
497 | シャワー | shawaa | Noun, Katakana | shower |
498 | 四 | shi し | Noun, Numeric | four; 4 |
499 | 七 | shichi しち | Noun, Numeric | seven; 7 |
500 | 仕事 | shigoto しごと | Noun, Verb, Suru verb | work; job; business |
JLPT N5 vocab List total: (644)
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JLPT N5 Study Guide
JLPT N5 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 192
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*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.