This is a Japanese vocabulary list of Adjective(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.
- N5 な-adjective list.
- N5 い-adjective list.
N5 adjectives list PDF download here. (members only)
# | 形容詞 | Adjective | Meaning |
1 | 危ない | abunai あぶない | dangerous |
2 | 赤い | akai あかい | red; crimson; scarlet |
3 | 明るい | akarui あかるい | bright; light |
4 | 甘い | amai あまい | sweet; sweet-tasting; sugary; naive; indulgent |
5 | 青い | aoi あおい | blue; azure |
6 | 新しい | atarashii あたらしい | new; novel; fresh; recent; latest |
7 | 暖かい | atatakai あたたかい | warm |
8 | 熱い | atsui あつい | hot |
9 | 厚い | atsui あつい | thick |
10 | 暑い | atsui あつい | hot; sultry |
11 | 便利 | benri べんり | convenient; handy; useful |
12 | 小さい | chiisai ちいさい | small; little; tiny |
13 | 近い | chikai ちかい | near; close |
14 | 大丈夫 | daijoubu だいじょうぶ | OK; okay; alright; problem free |
15 | 大好き | daisuki だいすき | love; like; like very much |
16 | 古い | furui ふるい | old (not used for people) |
17 | 太い | futoi ふとい | fat; thick |
18 | 元気 | genki げんき | lively; full of spirit; energetic; healthy |
19 | 速い | hayai はやい | fast; quick; hasty; brisk |
20 | 早い | hayai はやい | fast; early |
21 | 下手 | heta へた | unskillful; poor; awkward |
22 | 低い | hikui ひくい | short,low |
23 | 暇 | hima ひま | free time |
24 | 広い | hiroi ひろい | spacious; vast; wide |
25 | 本当 | hontou ほんとう | truth; reality; actuality; fact |
26 | 欲しい | hoshii ほしい | want |
27 | 細い | hosoi ほそい | thin; slender |
28 | 色々 | iroiro いろいろ | various |
29 | 忙しい | isogashii いそがしい | busy |
30 | 痛い | itai いたい | painful; sore |
31 | 嫌 | iya いや | unpleasant |
32 | 丈夫 | joubu じょうぶ | strong, durable |
33 | 上手 | jouzu じょうず | skillful; skilled; proficient; good (at) |
34 | 辛い | karai からい | spicy |
35 | 軽い | karui かるい | light |
36 | 可愛い | kawaii かわいい | cute |
37 | 結構 | kekkou けっこう | splendid, enough |
38 | 黄色い | kiiroi きいろい | yellow |
39 | 嫌い | kirai きらい | hate |
40 | 綺麗 | kirei きれい | pretty; lovely; beautiful |
41 | 汚い | kitanai きたない | dirty |
42 | 暗い | kurai くらい | dark; gloomy; murky |
43 | 黒い | kuroi くろい | black |
44 | 丸い | marui まるい | round,circular |
45 | 真っ直ぐ | massugu まっすぐ | straight ahead,direct |
46 | 不味い | mazui まずい | unpleasant |
47 | 短い | mijikai みじかい | short |
48 | 難しい | muzukashii むずかしい | difficult |
49 | 長い | nagai ながい | long (distance); long (time); lengthy. |
50 | 賑やか | nigiyaka にぎやか | bustling,busy |
51 | 温い | nurui ぬるい | luke warm |
52 | 美味しい | oishii おいしい | delicious |
53 | 重い | omoi おもい | heavy |
54 | 面白い | omoshiroi おもしろい | interesting |
55 | 多い | ooi おおい | many; numerous; a lot; large quantity; frequent |
56 | 大きい | ookii おおきい | big; large; great; important |
57 | 遅い | osoi おそい | slow; time-consuming; late |
58 | 立派 | rippa りっぱ | splendid |
59 | 寒い | samui さむい | cold |
60 | 狭い | semai せまい | narrow |
61 | 白い | shiroi しろい | white |
62 | 静か | shizuka しずか | quiet |
63 | 好き | suki すき | like |
64 | 少ない | sukunai すくない | few; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom |
65 | 涼しい | suzushii すずしい | refreshing, cool |
66 | 多分 | tabun たぶん | perhaps; probably |
67 | 大変 | taihen たいへん | very; greatly; terribly; serious; difficult |
68 | 大切 | taisetsu たいせつ | important; necessary; indispensable; beloved |
69 | 高い | takai たかい | high; tall; expensive; above average |
70 | 沢山 | takusan たくさん | many |
71 | 楽しい | tanoshii たのしい | enjoyable; fun |
72 | 遠い | tooi とおい | far |
73 | 詰まらない | tsumaranai つまらない | boring |
74 | 冷たい | tsumetai つめたい | cold to the touch |
75 | 強い | tsuyoi つよい | powerful |
76 | 煩い | urusai うるさい | noisy, annoying |
77 | 薄い | usui うすい | thin; weak |
78 | 若い | wakai わかい | young |
79 | 悪い | warui わるい | bad; poor; undesirable |
80 | 易しい | yasashii やさしい | easy, simple |
81 | 安い | yasui やすい | cheap; inexpensive |
82 | 良い | yoi/ii よい/いい | good |
83 | 弱い | yowai よわい | weak |
84 | 有名 | yuumei ゆうめい | famous |
JLPT N5 vocab List total: (84)
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JLPT N5 Study Guide
JLPT N5 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 192
N5 Grammar Flashcards
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*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.