JLPT N3 Grammar List

learn Japanese JLPT N3 grammar list

This is a complete list of the Japanese grammar rules needed to study for and pass the N3 Japanese Language Proficiency Test.

Although there is no official JLPT N3 grammar list, most grammar points that have been featured on previous tests are included in this list.

Each lesson is arranged in English romaji alphabetical order. In total, there are over 182 grammar lessons that you need to know in order to pass the N3.

Click on the lesson link for detailed notes about grammar structure, how-to-use, conjugations, example sentences, interactive aids, and more.

JLPT N3 Grammar Master ebook 文法マスター preview shot
JLPT N3 Grammar List Flashcards, Japanese 文法

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#Grammar LessonGrammar Meaning
1ageruto finish doing ~
2amariso much… that
3amari ni motoo much; so much… that; excessively ~
4audo something together
5ba iishould; can; it’d be good if ~
6ba yokattashould have; would have been better if ~
7ba~hodothe more… the more ~
8ba~noniwould have; should have; if only ~
9bakari deonly; just ~ (negative description)
10bakari denakunot only... but also; as well as ~
11beki dashould do; must do ~
12beki dewa naishould not do; must not do ~
13betsu ni~nainot really, not particularly
14buri nifor the first time in (period of time)
15chuu / juucurrently; during; at some point; throughout; before the end of ~
16dakeas much as ~
17dake de nakunot only… but also ~
18dakedobut; however; although; regarding ~
19darakefull of; covered with; a lot of (something undesirable)
20donna ni~temono matter how (much)
21doushitemono matter what; at any cost; after all ~
22furi o suruto pretend; to act as if ~
23futosuddenly; accidentally; unexpectedly; unintentionally ~
24gachitend to; tendency to; frequently; often; to do something easily
25gataivery difficult to; hard to ~
26gimi-like; -looking; -looked; tending to ~
27goto nieach; every; at intervals of ~
28hododegree; extent; bounds; upper limit
29hodo~naiis not as… as ~
30ichido niall at once
31ikura~temono matter how ~
32ippou damore and more; continue to ~
33ittaiemphasis; what on earth; what in the world
34janaimaybe; most likely; confirmation of information; express surprise towards listener
35ka nani kaor something ~
36kakeruhalf-; not yet finished; in the middle of~
37kara~ni kaketethrough; from [A] to [B]
38kawari niinstead of; as a substitute for​; in exchange for; in return for
39kekkaas a result of; after ~
40kekkyokuafter all; eventually; in the end ~

JLPT N3 Grammar List total: (182)

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JLPT N3 Study Guide

JLPT N3 Grammar Master [e-book]

Complete Study Guide

JLPT N3 Grammar ebook

This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

Download ebook

N3 Flashcards

JLPT N3 Grammar List Flashcards, Japanese 文法
JLPT N4 kanji List Flashcards, Japanese

N3 kanji flashcards coming soon!

*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.