This is a list of the vocabulary that you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5. In total, you will need to have a vocabulary of about 800 words.
This list includes lessons for the most common and important words for you to know, all listed in alphabetical order.
See our full study guide for how to pass the JLPT N5.
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- See all JLPT N5 katakana words
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# | ごい | Vocabulary | Type | Meaning |
301 | 公園 | kouen こうえん | Noun | park |
302 | 交差点 | kousaten こうさてん | Noun | intersection |
303 | 口 | kuchi くち | Noun | mouth, opening |
304 | 果物 | kudamono くだもの | Noun | fruit |
305 | 下さい | kudasai ください | Expression | please |
306 | 曇り | kumori くもり | Noun | cloudiness; cloudy weather |
307 | 曇る | kumoru くもる | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to become cloudy, to become dim |
308 | 国 | kuni くに | Noun | country; state; region |
309 | 暗い | kurai くらい | Adjective, い-adjective | dark; gloomy; murky |
310 | クラス | kurasu | Noun, Katakana | class |
311 | 黒 | kuro くろ | Noun | black |
312 | 黒い | kuroi くろい | い-adjective | black |
313 | 来る | kuru くる | Verb, Intransitive verb | to come |
314 | 車 | kuruma くるま | Noun | car; automobile; vehicle |
315 | 薬 | kusuri くすり | Noun | medicine |
316 | 靴 | kutsu くつ | Noun | shoes |
317 | 靴下 | kutsushita くつした | Noun | socks |
318 | 去年 | kyonen きょねん | Noun | last year |
319 | 今日 | kyou きょう | Noun, Temporal noun | today; this day |
320 | 兄弟 | kyoudai きょうだい | Noun | siblings; brothers and sisters; mate |
321 | 教室 | kyoushitsu きょうしつ | Noun | classroom |
322 | 九 | kyuu きゅう | Noun, Numeric | nine; 9 |
323 | マッチ | macchi | Noun, Katakana | match |
324 | 町 | machi まち | Noun | town; block; neighborhood |
325 | 窓 | mado まど | Noun | window |
326 | 前 | mae まえ | Noun, Suffix | previous; before; in front; ago |
327 | 曲がる | magaru まがる | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to turn, to bend |
328 | 毎朝 | maiasa まいあさ | Noun | every morning |
329 | 毎晩 | maiban まいばん | Noun | every night |
| ||||
330 | 毎日 | mainichi まいにち | Noun | every day |
331 | 毎週 | maishuu まいしゅう | Noun | every week |
332 | 毎年 | maitoshi / mainen まいとし / まいねん | Noun | every year; yearly; annually |
333 | 毎月 | maitsuki まいつき | Noun | every month; monthly |
334 | 万 | man まん | Noun, Numeric | 10,000; ten thousand |
335 | 万年筆 | mannenhitsu まんねんひつ | Noun | fountain pen |
336 | 丸い | marui まるい | Adjective, い-adjective | round,circular |
337 | 真っ直ぐ | massugu まっすぐ | Noun, Adjective, な-adjective, Adverb | straight ahead,direct |
338 | 待つ | matsu まつ | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb, Transitive verb | to wait |
339 | 不味い | mazui まずい | Adjective, い-adjective | unpleasant |
340 | 目 | me め | Noun | eye |
341 | メートル | meetoru | Noun, Katakana | metre; meter |
342 | 眼鏡 | megane めがね | Noun | glasses |
343 | 道 | michi みち | Noun | road; street |
344 | 緑 | midori みどり | Noun | green |
345 | 磨く | migaku みがく | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to polish; to shine; to brush (e.g. teeth) |
346 | 右 | migi みぎ | Noun | right; right hand side |
347 | 短い | mijikai みじかい | Adjective, い-adjective | short |
348 | 三日 | mikka みっか | Noun | the third day of the month / 3 days |
349 | 耳 | mimi みみ | Noun | ear; hearing |
350 | 南 | minami みなみ | Noun | south |
351 | 皆さん | minasan みなさん | Noun | everyone |
352 | みんな | minna | Noun, Adverb | all; everyone; everybody |
353 | 見る | miru みる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to see; to look; to watch; to view; to observe |
354 | 店 | mise みせ | Noun | store; shop; establishment; restaurant |
355 | 見せる | miseru みせる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to show; to display |
356 | 三つ | mittsu みっつ | Noun, Numeric | three; 3 |
357 | 水 | mizu みず | Noun | water; fluid; liquid |
358 | 木曜日 | mokuyoubi もくようび | Noun | Thursday |
359 | 門 | mon もん | Noun | gate |
| ||||
360 | 問題 | mondai もんだい | Noun | problem; question (e.g. on a test) |
361 | 物 | mono もの | Noun | thing |
362 | 持つ | motsu もつ | Verb, Godan verb | to hold |
363 | もっと | motto | Adverb | more; longer; further |
364 | もう一度 | mouichido もういちど | Expression | once more; again |
365 | 六日 | muika むいか | Noun | sixth day of the month / 6 days |
366 | 向こう | mukou むこう | Noun | over there |
367 | 村 | mura むら | Noun | village |
368 | 六つ | muttsu むっつ | Noun, Numeric | six; 6 |
369 | 難しい | muzukashii むずかしい | Adjective, い-adjective | difficult |
370 | 長い | nagai ながい | Adjective, い-adjective | long (distance); long (time); lengthy. |
371 | ナイフ | naifu | Noun, Katakana | knife |
372 | 中 | naka なか | Noun | inside; in; within; center |
373 | 鳴く | naku なく | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | animal noise. to chirp |
374 | 無くす | nakusu なくす | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to lose (something) |
375 | 名前 | namae なまえ | Noun | name; full name; given name |
376 | 七つ | nanatsu ななつ | Noun, Numeric | seven; 7 |
377 | 何 | nani なに | Noun, Pronoun, Prefix | what |
378 | 七日 | nanoka なのか | Noun | seventh day of the month / 7 days |
379 | 並べる | naraberu ならべる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Transitive verb | to line up,to set up |
380 | 並ぶ | narabu ならぶ | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to line up,to stand in a line |
381 | 習う | narau ならう | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to be taught; to learn (from a teacher) |
382 | 夏 | natsu なつ | Noun | summer |
383 | 夏休み | natsuyasumi なつやすみ | Noun | summer vacation; summer holiday |
384 | 何故 | naze なぜ | Adverb | why; how |
385 | 猫 | neko ねこ | Noun | cat |
386 | ネクタイ | nekutai | Noun, Katakana | tie; necktie |
387 | 寝る | neru ねる | Verb, Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb | to sleep; to go to bed; to lie down |
388 | 二 | ni に | Noun, Numeric | two; 2 |
389 | 日曜日 | nichiyoubi にちようび | Noun | Sunday |
| ||||
390 | 賑やか | nigiyaka にぎやか | Adjective, な-adjective | bustling,busy |
391 | 日記 | nikki にっき | Noun | diary; journal |
392 | 肉 | niku にく | Noun | meat |
393 | 荷物 | nimotsu にもつ | Noun | luggage; baggage |
394 | 西 | nishi にし | Noun | west |
395 | 庭 | niwa にわ | Noun | garden |
396 | 登る | noboru のぼる | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to climb |
397 | 飲み物 | nomimono のみもの | Noun | drink; beverage |
398 | 飲む | nomu のむ | Verb, Godan verb, Transitive verb | to drink |
399 | ノート | nooto | Noun, Katakana | notebook |
400 | 乗る | noru のる | Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb | to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.) |
JLPT N5 vocab List total: (644)
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JLPT N5 Study Guide
JLPT N5 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 192
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*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.