JLPT N4 Grammar (saseru)


causative form; to make/let somebody do something

How to use

Ru-verbる -> させる
U-verb(ない form) ない -> せる
saseru させる させる jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (saseru). Meaning: causative form. This can mean either:

  1. to make somebody do something.
  2. to let somebody do something.

Causative verbs are called 使役動詞 (shieki doushi) in Japanese.

Causative form is called 使役形 (shieki kei), and a causative statement is called 使役文 (shieki bun).

Causative form conjugation samples


  • 食べ -> 食べ (tabesaseru)
  • -> 出 (desaseru)
  • -> 寝 (nesaseru)
  • 起き -> 起き (okisaseru)
  • -> 着 (kisaseru)


  • -> 聞 (kikaseru)
  • -> 待 (mataseru)
  • -> 飲 (nomaseru)
  • -> 買 (kawaseru)
  • -> 話 (hanasaseru)

Meaning 1) to make somebody do something

kodomo ni benkyou o saseru.

To make children study.

Meaning 2) to let somebody do

tabe sasete kudasai

Please let me to eat.

Which meaning is correct?

You will often have to guess or assume which meaning is correct based on the context.

Example) To marry

kekkon saseru

Meaning 1) to make marry

Meaning 2) to allow to marry

saseru させる jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 learn japanese flashcards

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

Click the below red button to toggle off and and on all of the hints, and you can click on the buttons individually to show only the ones you want to see.

Example #1

haha wa watashi ni jibun no heya o katadzuke saseta.
My mother made me clean up my own room.
Example #2

kono shigoto wa buka ni yarasemasu.
I'll make one of my subordinates do this task.
Example #3

kimi o nakaseru tsumori wa nakatta!
I didn't mean to make you cry!
Example #4

boku ni yarasete kudasai.
Please allow me to do it.
Example #5

musuko wa anime o mitagatteimasu ga, shukudai ga owatteinai node, misasemasen.
My son wants to watch anime, but he hasn't finished his homework, so I won't let him watch it..

Vocabulary List

勉強するべんきょうto study
食べるたべるto eat
結婚するけっこんto marry
自分のじぶんのone's own
片付けるかたづけるto clean up; organize
泣くなくto cry

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