JLPT N4 Grammar (rareru)


potential form; ability or inability to do something

How to use

Ru-verbる -> られる
U-verbchange "u" to "e" + る
rareru られる られる jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (rareru). Meaning: potential form; being able to do something.

This is used to describe the ability or inability to do something.

First, let’s look at the rules for how to create potential form, and then how we can use it in a sentence.

Rules for Creating Potential Form


Simply remove the final る (ru) and replace with られる (rareru).

食べ -> 食べられる (taberu -> taberareru)

To eat -> To be able to eat

Change the final “u” to be an “e” instead, and then add る (ru).

Ex) む (mu) becomes め (me).

-> 飲める (nomu -> nomeru)

To drink -> To be able to drink

つ (tsu) becomes て (te)

-> 立てる (tatsu -> tateru)

To stand -> To be able to stand

Irregular verbs

する -> できる (suru -> dekiru)

To do -> To be able to do

くる -> これる (kuru -> koreru)

To come -> To be able to come

How to Use Potential Form

When using potential form, the particle を (o/wo) is often changed to が (ga) instead.

sushi o taberu.

I eat sushi.

Will change to..

sushi ga taberareru

I can eat sushi.

Important Notes

You can use either を (o/wo) or が (ga) with most verbs, but when used with できる (dekiru), you must always use が (ga).

Be careful to not confuse this with , where many conjugations may be similar.

rareru られる られる jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 learn japanese flashcards

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

Click the below red button to toggle off and and on all of the hints, and you can click on the buttons individually to show only the ones you want to see.

Example #1

sonnna koto o shinji rarenai.
I am not able to believe such a story..
Example #2

soko ni aru ichigo wa subete taberareru.
You can eat any of the strawberries in there.
Example #3

kyou wa isogashi sugite, asagohan o taberare nakatta.
Today I was so busy and wasn't able to eat breakfast.
Example #4

nattou ga tabe rareru no?
Are you able to eat natto? (fermented soybeans)
Example #5

yoru wa samukute nerarenai.
The nights are too cold to sleep.
Example #6

watashi wa koko ni amari nagaku irarenai.
I can't stay here for too long.
Example #7

watashitachi ga koko de nani o mitsuke rareru ka mi ni itte mimashou.
Let's go to see what we can find here.
Example #8

watashi ga yareru kagiri no koto o shitai.
I want to do everything that I can.

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