This is a Japanese vocabulary list of Noun(s) you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4.
Click on any of the words below to see the full vocabulary lesson, including example sentences.

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# | 名詞 | Noun | Meaning |
301 | 祖父 | sofu そふ | grandfather |
302 | ソフト | sofuto | soft |
303 | 卒業 | sotsugyou そつぎょう | graduation |
304 | 相談 | soudan そうだん | to discuss |
305 | 水道 | suidou すいどう | water supply |
306 | 水泳 | suiei すいえい | swimming |
307 | スクリーン | sukuriin | screen |
308 | 隅 | sumi すみ | corner; nook |
309 | 砂 | suna すな | sand |
310 | すり | suri | pickpocket |
311 | スーツケース | sustsukeesu | suitcase |
312 | ステーキ | suteeki | steak |
313 | ステレオ | sutereo | stereo |
314 | 数学 | suugaku すうがく | mathematics; arithmetic |
315 | スーツ | suutsu | suit |
316 | 退院 | tai'in たいいん | leaving hospital; discharge from hospital |
317 | 台風 | taifuu たいふう | typhoon |
318 | タイプ | taipu | type,style |
319 | たいてい | taitei | usually |
320 | 棚 | tana たな | shelves |
321 | 誕生 | tanjou たんじょう | birth |
322 | 楽しみ | tanoshimi たのしみ | looking forward to |
323 | 畳 | tatami たたみ | Japanese straw mat |
324 | 手袋 | tebukuro てぶくろ | glove |
325 | 丁寧 | teinei ていねい | polite |
326 | テキスト | tekisuto | text; textbook |
327 | 適当 | tekitou てきとう | suitable |
328 | 点 | ten てん | point; dot |
329 | 店員 | ten'in てんいん | employee (of a store); shop assistant; clerk |
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330 | テニス | tenisu | tennis |
331 | 天気予報 | tenkiyohou てんきよほう | weather forecast |
332 | 展覧会 | tenrankai てんらんかい | exhibition |
333 | 寺 | tera てら | temple |
334 | 途中 | tochuu とちゅう | on the way |
335 | 特急 | tokkyuu とっきゅう | limited express (train, faster than an express) |
336 | 床屋 | tokoya とこや | barber |
337 | 特別 | tokubetsu とくべつ | special; particular; extraordinary; exceptional |
338 | 遠く | tooku とおく | distant |
339 | 都合 | tsugou つごう | convenience |
340 | 月 | tsuki つき | moon |
341 | 妻 | tsuma つま | (humble) wife |
342 | 腕 | ude うで | arm |
343 | 受付 | uketsuke うけつけ | reception (desk); information desk |
344 | 生まれ | umare うまれ | birth |
345 | 運転手 | untenshu うんてんしゅ | driver; chauffeur |
346 | 裏 | ura うら | reverse side |
347 | 売り場 | uriba うりば | selling area |
348 | 嘘 | uso うそ | a lie |
349 | ワープロ | waapuro | word processor |
350 | 割合 | wariai わりあい | rate; ratio |
351 | 忘れ物 | wasuremono わすれもの | lost article |
352 | 約束 | yakusoku やくそく | promise |
353 | 予習 | yoshuu よしゅう | preparation for a lesson |
354 | 予定 | yotei よてい | plan |
355 | 用 | you よう | business; task; errand; use; purpose |
356 | 用意 | youi ようい | preparation; arrangements; provision; getting ready |
357 | 用事 | youji ようじ | tasks; things to do; errand; business (to take care of) |
358 | 予約 | yoyaku よやく | reservation |
359 | 湯 | yu ゆ | hot water |
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360 | 指 | yubi ゆび | finger |
361 | 指輪 | yubiwa ゆびわ | finger ring |
362 | 夢 | yume ゆめ | dream |
363 | 残念 | zannen ざんねん | regrettable; unfortunate |
JLPT N4 vocab List total: (363)
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JLPT N4 Study Guide
JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.
N4 Flashcards
*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.