Learn Japanese grammar: 続ける 【つづける】(tsuzukeru). Meaning: continue to; keen on ~.
This is used to express continuous action, or to show someone is keen on doing something.
It can be freely conjugated to use in current, future, and past tense.
- つづける to continue
- つづけたい to want to continue
- つづけた continued to (past)
- つづけて continue to (current)
Similar Grammar
- To instead say to begin, use 始める (hajimeru)
- To instead say to end, use 終わる (owaru)
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続ける - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6
Example #7
Example #8
Example #9
Example #10
Vocabulary List 語彙
Kanji 漢字 | Kana カナ | English 英語 |
物価 | ぶっか | prices in general |
上がる | あがる | to rise |
続く | つづく | to continue |
大変 | たいへん | difficult |
大切 | たいせつ | precious |
君 | きみ | you |
永遠に | えいえんに | forever |
愛 | あい | love |
約束 | やくそく | promise |
彼 | かれ | he; him |
応援 | おうえん | cheer; support |
一週間 | いっしゅうかん | one week |
雨が降る | あめがふる | to rain |
彼女 | かのじょ | she |
彼氏 | かれし | boyfriend |
喋る | しゃべる | to chat; to speak |
かもしれない | maybe; might | |
明日 | あした | tomorrow |
自転車 | じてんしゃ | bicycle |
今も | いまも | even now |
使う | つかう | to use |
高校 | こうこう | high school |
時代 | じだい | generation; at the time of |
ずっと | continuously; forever |
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JLPT N4 Study Guide
JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.