Learn Japanese grammar: 他動詞【たどうし】(tadoushi) & 自動詞【じどうし】( jidoushi). Meaning: transitive & intransitive verbs.
In this lesson, I will explain what is the difference between transitive and intransitive verbs in Japanese.
Transitive Verbs – 他動詞
Transitive verbs 他動詞 (tadoushi) are verbs indicating personal action of changing something. The focus is on who did the action.
Person は/が Object を Verb
Example A) 閉める (shimeru) – to close/shut
tanaka san wa doa o shimemashita.
Tanaka-san closed the door.
Intransitive Verbs – 自動詞
Intransitive verbs 自動詞 (jidoushi) are verbs indicating movement of something. The focus is on the movement itself and it does not matter who did the movement.
Noun が/は Verb
Example B) 閉まる (shimaru) – to be closed/shut
doa ga shimarimashita.
The door closed.
Examples of Transitive & Intransitive Verbs
Example 1 – 入れる VS 入る
Transitive verb: 入れる (ireru) – to put inside
watashi wa inu o heya ni iremashita.
I brought the dog into the room.
Intransitive verb: 入る (hairu) – to enter
inu ga heya ni hairimashita.
The dog entered the room.
Example 2 – 始める VS 始まる
Transitive verb: 始める (hajimeru) – to start
sensei wa jugyou o hajimemashita.
The teacher started the class.
Intransitive verb: はじまる (hajimaru) – to start
jugyou ga hajimarimashita.
The class has started.
Example 3 – 出す VS 出る
Transitive verb: 出す (dasu) – to take out
watashi wa inu o soto ni dashimashita.
I took the dog outside.
Intransitive verb: 出る (deru) – to go out
inu ga soto ni demashita.
The dog went outside.
How To Identify between Transitive and Intransitive Japanese Verbs
Unfortunately there are no set rules for differentiating between transitive and intransitive Japanese verbs. There are some “inconsistent” patterns, but the best thing to do is just memorize them.
Here are some lists of verbs you’ll need to know in order to pass the JLPT.

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Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.