JLPT N4 Grammar (ba)


conditional form; If [A] then [B]

How to use

special formatting rules (see below)
ba ば jlpt n4 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (ba). Meaning: conditional form; If [A] then [B].

Standard format: [A] [B]

If condition [A] is met, then [B] will happen.

Rules for (ba) Conditional Form

There are some special format rules for this grammar, which I will explain now with some examples before moving on to our main example sentences.


  • Use dictionary form.
  • Change the ending from “u” to an “e”.
  • Add ば at the end.

う Verb – Example

= iku = to go
ku changes to ke
= ikeba = if (you) go

る Verb – Example

= taberu = to eat
ru changes to re
= tabereba = if (you) eat

Special Verb 来る

= kuru = to come
ru changes to re
= kureba = if (you) come

Special Verb する

= suru = to do
ru changes to re
= sureba = if (you) do

Verb (Negative Form)

  • Use dictionary negative form.
  • Change the ending (nai) to (nakereba).

= ikanai = to not go
changes to
= ikanakereba = if (you) do not go

い-adjective (Negative)

  • The rules are the same, change the ending (nai) to (nakereba).

= ookikunai = not big
changes to
= ookikunakereba = if not big


  • Change the ending (i) to (kereba).

= ookii = big
changes to
= ookikereba = if big


  • At the end, add either of the two.
    • (naraba)
    • (de areba)

= benri = convenient
changes to
= benri naraba = if convenient
= benri deareba = if convenient

な-adjective (Negative)

  • At the end, add either of the two.
    • (janakereba) (more casual)
    • (de nakereba)

= benri = convenient
changes to
= benri janakereba = if not convenient
= benri denakereba = if not convenient


  • Same as な-adjective
  • At the end, add either of the two.
    • (naraba)
    • (de areba)

= nihonjin = Japanese
changes to
= nihonjin naraba = if Japanese
= nihonjin deareba = if Japanese

Noun (Negative)

  • Same as な-adjective (negative)
  • At the end, add either of the two.
    • (janakereba) (more casual)
    • (de nakereba)

= nihonjin = Japanese
changes to
= nihonjin janakereba = if not Japanese
= nihonjin denakereba = if not Japanese

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

Click the below red button to toggle off and and on all of the hints, and you can click on the buttons individually to show only the ones you want to see.

Example #1

kono botan o oseba, doa ga hirakimasu.
If you push this button, the door will open.
Example #2

anata ga ikeba, watashi mo iku yo.
If you go, then I'm going too.
Example #3

ima sugu shuppatsu sureba ma ni au deshou.
If you leave right away, you'll likely make it in time.
Example #4

mainichi renshuu o sureba, jouzu ni naru yo.
If you practice everyday, you're going to improve!
Example #5

suushuukan mo sureba, minna wasureru yo.
Everyone will forget this in a few weeks.
Example #6

umi ni ikeba dare datte mizugi o kiru wa.
Everyone wears a bathing suit at the beach.
Example #7

amerika taishikan he ikitaindesuga, dou ikeba ii desuka?
I want to go to the American embassy, do you know how to get there from here?

Vocabulary List

押すおすto push; to press
開くひらくto open
出発しゅっぱつto depart
間に合うまにあうto make it in time
数週間すうしゅうかんa few weeks
忘れるわすれるto forget
水着みずぎswim suit
着るきるto wear
大使館たいしかんembassy; consulate

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JLPT N4 Study Guide

JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]

Complete Study Guide

This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.

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