Learn Japanese grammar: と言う【という】(to iu). Meaning: called; named; that ~.
Both the kanji form と言う and hiragana form という are regularly used.
Many different meanings of という
This can be used to express many different meanings, including:
- to be called, said, named, etc.
- to define something.
- to emphasize something.
- they say; people say.
- relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that).
Many other grammar points stem from という to create even more possible meanings.

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という - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6
Example #7
Example #8
Example #9
Example #10
Example #11
Vocabulary List 語彙
Kanji 漢字 | Kana カナ | English 英語 |
記録的な | きろくてきな | record breaking |
暖冬 | だんとう | mild winter |
生命 | せいめい | life |
愛 | あい | love |
勇気 | ゆうき | courage |
表す | あらわす | to express |
色物 | いろもの | colored article |
洗う | あらう | to wash |
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JLPT N4 Study Guide
JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.