This is the list of the Japanese grammar rules needed to study for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1.
The JLPT N1 Grammar List lessons are arranged in English romaji alphabetical order.
Click on the lesson link for detailed notes about grammar structure, how-to-use, conjugations, example sentences, interactive aids, and more.

# | Grammar Lesson | 文法レッスン | Grammar Meaning |
121 | ni sakigakete | に先駆けて(にさきがけて) | prior to; to be the first (pioneer); being ahead of ~ |
122 | ni shinobinai | に忍びない(にしのびない) | cannot bring oneself (to do); unable to bear ~ |
123 | ni shita tokoro de / to shita tokoro de | にしたところで / としたところで | even if; even supposing that ~ |
124 | ni shite | にして | at / on / under certain conditions (time, position, age, number of times) |
125 | ni sokushite | に即して(にそくして) | according to; in keeping with; to be based on ~ |
126 | ni taeru / ni taenai | に耐える / に耐えない(にたえる / にたえない) | worth doing; can do; cannot bear doing ~ |
127 | ni taranai / ni tarinai | に足らない / に足りない(にたらない / にたりない) | cannot; not worthy; not worth doing ~ |
128 | ni taru / ni tariru | に足る / に足りる(にたる / にたりる) | can do; worthy; worth doing |
129 | ni terashite | に照らして(にてらして) | according to; in view of; in light of ~ |
130 | ni todomarazu | にとどまらず | not limited to; not only… but also ~ |
131 | ni wa muri ga aru | には無理がある(にはむりがある) | difficult to do; is unreasonable / unrealistic / impossible |
132 | ni yorazu | によらず | regardless of ~ |
133 | ni~o kasanete | に~を重ねて(に~をかさねて) | success after continuous (effort, work, adjustments, etc.) |
134 | nimo hodo ga aru | にもほどがある | there is a limit to what is acceptable; to go too far |
135 | nimo mashite | にも増して(にもまして) | more than…; above ~ |
136 | niwa ataranai | には当たらない(にはあたらない) | it’s not worth; there’s no need to; does not correspond to ~ |
137 | niwa oyobanai | には及ばない(にはおよばない) | there is no need to; unnecessary; no match for ~ |
138 | no itari | の至り(のいたり) | utmost; extremely ~ |
139 | no kiwami | の極み(のきわみ) | utmost; extremely ~ |
140 | no nan notte | のなんのって | extremely ~ (cannot be expressed in words) |
141 | no yara / mono yara / koto yara | のやら / ものやら / ことやら | I wonder...; unsure; I don’t know ~ |
142 | no yara~no yara | のやら~のやら | or ~ (I don't know) |
143 | o fumaete | を踏まえて(をふまえて) | to be based on; to take into account ~ |
144 | o hete | を経て(をへて) | through; by way of; after; via ~ |
145 | o hikaete | を控えて(をひかえて) | to be soon; the time has come to; nearby; ahead of ~ |
146 | o ii koto ni | をいいことに | to take advantage of ~ |
147 | o kaerimizu / mo kaerimizu | を顧みず / も顧みず(をかえりみず / もかえりみず) | despite; without considering; not worrying about; regardless of ~ |
148 | o kagiri ni | を限りに(をかぎりに) | starting from; the last time (ending a continued action) |
149 | o kanete | を兼ねて(をかねて) | also for the purpose of ~ |
150 | o kawakiri ni | を皮切りに(をかわきりに) | one after another; starting with ~ |
151 | o ki ni | を機に(をきに) | as an opportunity/chance to ~ |
152 | o kinji enai | を禁じ得ない(をきんじえない) | can’t help but; can’t refrain from ~ |
153 | o mono tomo sezuni | をものともせずに | in defiance of; not losing to / afraid / worrying about ~ |
154 | o motte / o mochimashite | をもって / をもちまして | by means of; with; on / at / as of (time) |
155 | o oite~nai | をおいて~ない | only; can only be; there is no alternative, only ~ |
156 | o oshite / o oshikitte | を押して / を押し切って(をおして / をおしきって) | to overcome (opposition); to push past ~ |
157 | o sakai ni | を境に(をさかいに) | since ~ (indicates a large change before & after) |
158 | o yogi naku sareru | を余儀なくされる(をよぎなくされる) | to be forced to do something because one has no other choice |
159 | o yoso ni | をよそに | despite; without regards to ~ |
160 | o zentei toshite | を前提として(をぜんていとして) | with the intention to; on the condition / assumption ~ |
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*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.