Definition: 意味
buying and reading (book, magazine, etc.); subscribing (newspaper)
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 購読 【こうどく】(koudoku)
Meaning: buying and reading (book, magazine, etc.); subscribing (incl. free subscriptions); taking (e.g. newspaper).
Type: Noun, Verb, Suru verb
Level: JLPT N1 Vocabulary
購読 - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese furigana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
watashi wa kono zasshi wo koudoku chuu desu.
I am subscribed to this magazine.
Example #2
chichi wa nyuuyooku taimuzu wo teiki koudoku shiteiru.
My father is subscribed to the New York Times.
Example #3
kono shinbun no nenkan koudokuryou wa go sen en desu.
The annual subscription fee for this newspaper is 5,000 yen.
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