JLPT N3 Vocabulary


junior high school; middle school

JLPT N3 vocabulary list

Learn Japanese vocabulary: 【ちゅうがく】(chuugaku)

Meaning: junior high school; middle school.

Often used with either 中学生 (chuugakusei, middle school student) or 中学校 (middle school).

Type: Noun

Level: JLPT N3 Vocabulary

- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese furigana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

chuugaku no nannensei desu ka?
What grade are you in at middle school?
Example #2

chuugaku no toki, watashi wa sakkaa bu ni haitta.
In my middle school days, I was in the soccer club.
Example #3

kyou wa chuugaku no tomodachi to matsuri ni ikimashita.
I went to a festival today with my middle school friend.
Example #4

watashi wa chuugaku no dousoukai ni ikimashita.
I went to a junior high class reunion.
Example #5

watashi wa chuugaku no toki baree wo yatteimashita.
I was playing volleyball when I was in junior high.

JLPT N3 Study Guide

JLPT N3 Grammar Master [e-book]

Complete Study Guide

This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

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N3 Flashcards

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