Onyomi Readings 表示 【ひょうじ】indication, expression 代表 【だいひょう】representative, delegation 発表 【はっぴょう】announcement, publication 表現 【ひょうげん】expression, presentation 表情 【ひょうじょう】facial expression 公表 【こうひょう】official announcement, proclamation 地表 【ちひょう】surface of the earth, ground surface 表紙 【ひょうし】front cover, binding 辞表 【じひょう】letter of resignation 表面 【ひょうめん】surface, outside 表明 【ひょうめい】declaration, indication, expression 表裏 【ひょうり】two sides, inside and outside 表記 【ひょうき】writing on the surface, transcription, notation 表決 【ひょうけつ】vote, voting 表題 【ひょうだい】title, index, heading 図表 【ずひょう】chart, diagram, graph 表彰 【ひょうしょう】public acknowledgment 表する 【ひょうする】to express, to show 代表作 【だいひょうさく】masterpiece, representative work 表面化 【ひょうめんか】becoming an issue, coming to a head 代表的 【だいひょうてき】representative, exemplary 無表情 【むひょうじょう】expressionless 表彰状 【ひょうしょうじょう】testimonial, certificate of commendation 意思表示 【いしひょうじ】declaration of intention
Kunyomi Readings - おもて 表 【おもて】 surface, face (i.e. the visible side of an object), front (of a building, etc.) 裏表 【うらおもて】both sides, reverse 表向き 【おもてむき】outward appearance, public, official 表立つ 【おもてだつ】to become public, to be known
Kunyomi Readings - あらわ 表す 【あらわす】to reveal, to show, to express 表れ 【あらわれ】embodiment, indication 表れる 【あらわれる】to appear, to come in sight 言い表す 【いいあらわす】to express (in words)
表 - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese kana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
ureshii koto ni, supiichi taikai no daihyou ni erabareta.
I was chosen to be a representative in the speech contest!
Example #2
koin no ippou wa 'omote' de, mou ippou wa 'ura' to yobareru.
One side of a coin is called 'heads' and the other side is called 'tails'.
Example #3
kodomo tachi wa, shourai no yume ni tsuite, hazukashi garu koto naku happyou shita.
The children announced their future dreams without any sign of embarrassment.