JLPT N3 Grammar (wazato)


on purpose; intentionally ~

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Learn Japanese grammar: (wazato). Meaning: on purpose; intentionally ~.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kare wa wazato machigaeta.
He made a mistake on purpose.
Example #2

watashi wa kare ga wazato sou shita to wa omoimasen.
I don't think that he did that on purpose.
Example #3

sore o wazato kowashita no dewa arimasen.
It's not like I broke that on purpose.
Example #4

wazato no kanousei ga aru.
There is the possibility that it was deliberate.
Example #5

kare wa wazato sono shitsumon ni kotaenakatta.
He didn't answer the question on purpose.
Example #6

shittei nagara, wazato shiranai furi o suru.
To pretend not to know something even though one knows it.
Example #7

kare wa wazato sou shita no da to futo watashi wa omotta.
It just occurred to me that he had done it on purpose.
Example #8

kanojo ga wazato okurete kita no wa hobo tashika da to omotteiru.
I'm pretty sure she came late on purpose.

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This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

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