JLPT N3 Grammar (hodo)


degree; extent; bounds; upper limit

How to use

Verb (casual, non-past)
な-adjective + な
hodo ほど jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: 【ほど】(hodo). Meaning: degree; extent; bounds; upper limit.

Usually, this is used to express the degree or extent of something. It can be used both as an approximation or as an upper limit.

In some ways, it is similar to , but it has a bit of a stronger emphasis and can also be used in other ways.

Special Patterns With ほど (hodo)

hodo ほど jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 learn japanese flashcards

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kimi hodo utsukushii hito wa imasen.
There is no one that rivals your beauty.
Example #2

shinu hodo nodo ga kawaiteiru.
I'm so thirsty I could die..
Example #3

kotoshi hodo ame no futta toshi wa nakatta.
It rained more this year than any other year.
Example #4

toshi o toru hodo karada ga yowaku naru.
My body becomes weaker as I grow older.
Example #5

bikkuri suru hodo ookii akachan.
The child was surprisingly large.
Example #6

JLPT sensei hodo, seito no koto o taisetsu ni omotteiru sensei wa imasen.
There is no teacher that cares as much about their students as JLPT Sensei.
Example #7

kare wa anata no chichioya demo okashikunai hodo toshiue da.
He's old enough to be your dad.
Example #8

eki ni chikai hodo yachin ga takai.
The closer to the station, the more expensive the rent.

Vocabulary List

降るふるto precipitate

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JLPT N3 vocabulary list

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JLPT N3 Grammar Master [e-book]

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This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

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