JLPT N3 Grammar (muke)


intended for; aimed at ~

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muke 向け むけ jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: 【むけ】(muke). Meaning: intended for; aimed at ~.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

shoshinsha muke no koosu ga arimasu ka.
Do you have a course for beginners?
Example #2

kono eiga wa kodomo muke nano de, otona wa mitemo tsumaranai.
That movie is targeted for children, so it will be boring for adults who watch it.
Example #3

kono ie wa, heya ga ookute, famirii muke da.
This house has a lot of rooms and is targeted towards families.
Example #4

saikin wa dansei muke no ryouri kyoushitsu ga ninki da.
Lately, cooking classes for men are popular.
Example #5

piano shoshinsha muke no ii kyoku o shiri masen ka?
Do you know any good songs suitable for beginner piano players?
Example #6

kodomo muke no ehon koonaa wa, 13 ban no tana ni arimasu.
The children's picture book corner is at shelf number 13.
Example #7

Sore wa shoshinsha muke no kyoukasha desu.
That is a textbook aimed for beginners.
Example #8

Kore wa ryuugakusei muke ni kakareta hon desu .
This book was written for study abroad students.

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JLPT N3 Grammar Master [e-book]

Complete Study Guide

This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.

Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

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