JLPT N3 Grammar (maru de)


as if; as though; just like ~

How to use

まるでVerb (casual form) + よう
Noun + のよう
maru de まるで jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (maru de). Meaning: as if; as though; just like ~.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

goukaku shita! marude yume no you da.
I passed! It’s like a dream!
Example #2

sugoi! maru de mahou no you da!
Amazing! It's just like magic!
Example #3

ano onna no hito wa, utsukushikute, yasashikute, marude tenshi no you da.
That lady is beautiful and kind like an angel.
Example #4

kare no nihongo wa marude nihonjin ga hanashite iru you ni kikoeru.
His Japanese is so natural that he sounds like a native speaker.
Example #5

saikin dekita robotto wa, marude honmono no ningen no youni ugoki masu.
Recently made robots move just like real humans.
Example #6

ano futari wa marude kyoudai no youni yoku niteiru.
Those two look so much alike that they could be twins.
Example #7

kono mizuumi wa mizu ga kirei de, marude toumei na garasu no you da.
This lake’s water is so pure that it looks like transparent glass.
Example #8

kowareta kuruma o shuuri shite morattara, marude shinsha no youni narimashita.
I fixed my broken car, and now it's as if it's brand new.

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Pages: 378.
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