Learn Japanese grammar: ませんか (masen ka). Meaning: would you; do you want to; shall we ~
- This grammar is used to ask someone if they would like to do something:
- would you~
- do you want to~
- shall we~
Example A)
iki masen ka.
Shall we go? / do you want to go? / etc..

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ませんか - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
Click the below red button to toggle off and and on all of the hints, and you can click on the buttons individually to show only the ones you want to see.
Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6
Example #7
Example #8
Vocabulary List 語彙
Kanji 漢字 | Kana カナ | English 英語 |
今日 | きょう | today |
一緒に | いっしょに | together |
食べる | たべる | to eat |
うちで | at my place | |
映画を見る | えいがをみる | watch a movie |
お茶 | おちゃ | tea |
日曜日 | にちようび | Sunday |
明日 | あした | tomorrow |
学校 | がっこう | school |
自転車 | じてんしゃ | bicycle |
もう | already | |
暗い | くらい | dark |
家へ帰る | いえへかえる | to go home |
写真を撮る | しゃしんをとる | to take a picture |
私の | わたしの | my |
仕事 | しごと | work; job |
手伝う | てつだう | to help |
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JLPT N5 Study Guide
JLPT N5 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N5, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 192
N5 Grammar Flashcards
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