JLPT N1 Grammar (te shikaru beki da)


should; appropriate; it is natural to do ~

How to use

Verb (て form)しかるべきだ
te shikaru beki da てしかるべきだ jlpt n1 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: て然るべきだ【】(te shikaru beki da). Meaning: should; appropriate; it is natural to do ~.

This is used to express that … is the natural thing to do. 「~するのが当然」

In spoken language, this is usually replaced with 「当然」or「当たり前」.

With the pattern 「しかるべき + Noun」, the meaning is more similar to “appropriate; adequate; suitable”.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kouhai nara senpai ni keigo o tsukatte shikaru beki da.
If you are a junior, you should use honorifics towards your seniors.
Example #2

taigaku suru mae ni, oya to soudan shite shikaru beki da.
You should consult with your parents before leaving school.
Example #3

kono shousetsu wa motto hyouka sarete shikaru beki da. konnani omoshiroi hon wa yonda koto ga nai.
This novel should be acknowledged more. I've never read such an interesting book.
Example #4

kono michi ni wa kuruma ga takusan tootte iru no da kara, shingou ga atte shikaru beki da.
There are a lot of cars passing through this road, so it's only natural there should be a traffic light.
Example #5

yuushuu na gakusei ni wa shougakukin ga atae rarete shikaru beki da.
Excellent students should be given scholarships.
Example #6

roujin no tame no kokuritsu no byouin ga motto atte shikaru beki da.
There should be more national hospitals for the elderly.
Example #7

josei wa ryouri ga dekite shikaru beki da toiu kangaekata wa furui.
The idea that women should be able to cook is old.
Example #8

joukyou ga kawatta no da kara, kaisha no keiei keikaku mo minao sarete shikaru beki da.
As the situation has changed, the company's management plan should be reviewed.

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