JLPT N5 Grammar (sugiru)

How to use

Verb ます (stem form)すぎる
い-adjective +
sugiru すぎる 過ぎる jlpt n5 grammar meaning 文法例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: 過ぎる 【】(sugiru). Meaning: it is used to say something is too much.

Example A) verb

  • たべます -> たべ + すぎる
  • たべ (tabe sugiru)
  • To eat too much

Example B) verb past-tense

  • たべます -> たべ + すぎる
  • たべ (tabe sugita)
  • (I) ate too much

Example C) verb connection

  • たべます -> たべ + すぎる
  • たべおなかが痛い (tabe sugite onaka ga itai)
  • I ate too much and now my stomach hurts

Extra Notes:

This grammar comes from the verb 過ぎる (sugiru), which means to pass or to exceed. However, this grammar most often written in just hiragana.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kono shatsu wa ooki sugiru.
This shirt is too big.
Example #2

kotoshi no natsu wa atsu sugita.
This year's summer was too hot.
Example #3

fuyu no kuru no ga haya sugita.
Winter has come too soon.
Example #4

kono mondai wa kantan sugimasu.
This problem is too easy.
Example #5

shiawase sugite shini sou da.
I'm so happy I could die.
Example #6

kanji o oboeru no ga watashi ni wa muzukashi sugiru.
Memorizing kanji is a bit too difficult for me.
Example #7

kono resutoran wa chotto taka sugiru. betsu no tokoro ni shimashou.
This restaurant is a bit too expensive. Let's try somewhere else.
Example #8

kono kaisha wa kyuuryou ga sukuna sugimasu.
This company's salary is too low.
Example #9

gomennasai, sukoshi ii sugimashita.
I'm sorry, I said a bit too much. (I said more than I should have)
Example #10

sakuya chotto nomi sugimashita.
I drank a little bit too much yesterday.

Vocabulary List

食べるたべるto eat
痛いいたいpainful; sore​
大きいおおきいbig; large; great; important
今年ことしthis year
暑いあついhot; sultry
来るくるto come
早いはやいfast; early
問題もんだいproblem; question (e.g. on a test)
簡単かんたんsimple; easy
覚えるおぼえるto remember
わたしI; myself
高いたかいhigh; tall; expensive; above average
会社かいしゃcompany; corporation
少ないすくないfew; a little; scarce; insufficient; seldom
少しすこしa little (bit); small quantity; few; short distance
言ういうto say; to call
昨夜さくやlast night
ちょっとa little
飲むのむto drink
お腹が痛いおなかがいたいstomach pain
別のところべつのところa different place

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