JLPT N3 Grammar (kuse ni)


and yet; though; in spite of; despite ~

How to use

Verb (dictionary form)くせに
Noun + の
な-adjective + な
kuse ni くせに jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (kuse ni). Meaning: and yet; though; in spite of; despite ~.

This can also be used as .

This is similar in meaning to and (noni), but it expresses more emotion from the speaker and comes off stronger with more of a negative connotation.

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

se ga takai kuse ni hayaku hashirenai.
Despite being tall, he/she cannot run fast.
Example #2

genkina kuse ni, byouki no furi o shiteiru.
Although he is healthy, he is pretending to be sick.
Example #3

isha demo nai kuse ni.
You aren't even a doctor (so don’t act like you are one).
Example #4

kanojo wa okane mochi no kuse ni kechi da.
Although she is rich, she is very frugal with her money.
Example #5

tanaka san wa okaasan ga nihonjin no kuse ni, nihongo ga zenzen wakaranai.
Although Tanaka's mother is Japanese, he doesn't understand any Japanese.
Example #6

kare wa otoko no kuse ni inu ga kowai da.
Even though he is a man, he is scared of dogs..
Example #7

kanojo wa isha no kuse ni tabako o sutteiru.
Even though she is a doctor, she smokes cigarettes.
Example #8

kodomo no kuse ni, namaikina koto o iu na.
You're just a kid, don't get too cocky.
Example #9

kare wa shinjin no kuse ni, taido ga warui.
Although he's new, he has a pretty bad attitude.

Vocabulary List

怖いこわいscary; scared
吸うすうto smoke

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JLPT N3 vocabulary list

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Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.

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