Learn Japanese grammar: がいます (ga imasu) & がいる (ga iru). Meaning: used to say there is or something is for LIVING things.
The verb いる (iru) comes from 居る (iru), which is the verb for to be (for living things). However, when used in this grammar form, the hiragana form is used instead of the kanji form.
- This form can only be used with living things.
- For non-living things, use があります (ga arimasu) instead.
- The が is changed to a に/は for places.
- Can also mean to have or not have.
Let’s look at some basic examples.
Example A) to be がいます (ga imasu)
- シャワーには誰かがいます。
- shawaa ni wa dareka ga imasu.
- Someone is in the shower.
Example B) place にいます (ni imasu )
- 今どこにいますか?
- ima doko ni imasu ka?
- Where are you now?
Example C) to have がいます (ga imasu)
- 子どもがいますか?
- kodomo ga imasu ka?
- Do you have any children?
Example D) negative がいません (ga imasen)
- いいえ、子どもがいません。
- iie, kodomo ga imasen.
- No, I do not have any children.

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がいます - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
Example #2
Example #3
Example #4
Example #5
Example #6
Example #7
Vocabulary List 語彙
Kanji 漢字 | Kana カナ | English 英語 |
誰か | だれか | somebody |
今 | いま | where |
どこ | where | |
子供 | こども | children |
私 | わたし | I; me |
猫 | ねこ | cat |
彼氏 | かれし | boyfriend |
兄弟 | きょうだい | siblings |
東京駅 | とうきょうえき | Tokyo station |
観光者 | かんこうしゃ | tourist |
いっぱい | a lot | |
もう | already | |
晩ご飯 | ばんごはん | dinner |
時間 | じかん | ~time |
ですが | although | |
お父さん | おとうさん | father; dad |
まだ | still | |
事務所 | じむしょ | office |
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JLPT N5 Grammar Master [e-book]
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Pages: 192
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