JLPT N1 Grammar (katawara)


while; besides; at the same time; in addition

How to use

Verb (dictionary)かたわら
Noun + の
katawara かたわら jlpt n1 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: (katawara). Meaning: while; besides; at the same time; in addition.

Cannot be used at the same instant

This grammar point is used to express that two things are being done at the same time, but NOT at the same instant.

For example, it cannot be used this way.

terebi o miru katawara taberu

eat while watching TV

For simultaneous actions, use – while; during.

Indicates an additional action or habit

The action introduced before かたわら is the more emphasized action. The action that follows afterwards is more of an “addition” (in addition).

The two activities are performed at different times and are used for activities that last longer than “while”.

shigoto o suru katawara borantia mo yatteiru

katawara かたわら jlpt n1 grammar meaning 文法 例文 learn japanese flashcards

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kanojo wa kashu no kawatara, moderu toshite mo katsuyou shiteiru.
While working as a singer, she is also working as a model.
Example #2

haha wa kaji no katawara, kinjo ni sumu kodomotachi ni eigo o oshieteiru.
In addition to doing the housework, my mother also teaches English to the neighborhood kids.
Example #3

jon san wa eikaiwa no gakkou de tsutomeru katawara, doyoubi wa nihongo gakkou de nihongo o manandeiru.
While working as an English conversation school teacher, John learns Japanese at a Japanese language school on Saturdays.
Example #4

kono shousetsuka wa shippitsu no katawara, shumi de piano o hiiteiru.
While writing professionally, this novelist also plays the piano as a hobby.
Example #5

kanojo wa kodomo o sodateru katawara, ie de ryouri kyoushitsu mo hiraiteimasu.
She raises her children while also holding cooking classes at her home.
Example #6

kare wa haiyuu no shigoto o suru katawara, tenisu no shiai ni mo deteimasu.
He works as a professional actor while also competing in tennis tournaments.

Vocabulary List

執筆しっぴつwriting (profession)
趣味でしゅみでas a hobby

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JLPT N1 vocabulary list

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