Definition: 意味
to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack
Learn Japanese vocabulary: 開く (hiraku) – Meaning: to open; to undo; to unseal; to unpack.
Type: Verb, Godan verb, Intransitive verb, Transitive verb
Level: JLPT N4 Vocabulary
開く - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese furigana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
yon peeji wo hiraite kudasai.
Please open up your books to page 4.
Example #2
sore kara kuchi wo hirakimashita.
Then he spoke.
Example #3
dare ga doa wo hiraita mama ni shite oitanda?
Who left the door open?
Example #4
kaigi wo suiyoubi ni hiraku koto ni kimeta.
We decided on having the meeting on Wednesday.
JLPT N4 Study Guide
JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.