Meaning of 吉 意味
good luck, joy, congratulations
Learn Japanese kanji: 吉 【 キチ、 キツ / よし 】.
Meaning: good luck, joy, congratulations .
711 of 2,500 most used kanji in newspapers.
How to write 吉 - stroke order:
Stroke Count: 6
吉 - Example Sentences 例文
Each example sentence includes a Japanese kana reading, the romaji reading, and the English translation.
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Example #1
4 wa Nihon de fukitsu na suuji da.
Four is an unlucky number in Japan.
Example #2
sono kippou ni karera wa ukitatta.
They were elated by the good news.
Example #3
kyou wa nani ka fukitsu na yokan ga suru.
Today, something feels ominous.
Example #4
sore dewa Koyoshi no iken o kiite mimashou.
Now let's hear Koyoshi's opinion.
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