JLPT N3 Grammar (kekka)


as a result of; after ~

How to use

Verb (casual, past)結果
Noun + の
kekka 結果 けっか jlpt n3 grammar meaning 文法 例文 japanese flashcards

Learn Japanese grammar: 【けっか】(kekka). Meaning: as a result of; after ~.

  • Used with a Verb in past form to be た結果 (ta kekka).
  • Used with with a Noun + の結果 (no kekka).
  • It can also be used after a sentence with その結果 (sono kekka).

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- Example Sentences

Each example sentence includes a Japanese hint, the romaji reading, and the English translation.

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Example #1

kare wa shigoto o sabotta kekka toshite kubi ni natta.
As a result of him skipping work, he was fired.
Example #2

minna de soudan shita kekka, konkai wa sanka shinai koto ni shita.
After consulting with everyone, I've decided to not participate this time.
Example #3

hotondo benkyou o shinakatta. sono kekka, shiken ni ochite shimatta.
I barely studied. As a result, I failed my exam.
Example #4

kore wa kimi no doryoku no kekka da to omoimasu.
I think this is a result of your hard effort.
Example #5

mainichi gohan no ryou o herashita kekka, ikkagetsu de san kiro taijuu ga hetta.
As a result of reducing the amount of food I eat every day, I lost 3 kilograms after 1 month.
Example #6

hantoshi daietto o tsuzuketa. sono kekka, juu kiro o yaseta.
I continued to diet for half a year. As a result, I lost 10 kilos.
Example #7

ani wa, hito no nanbai mo doryoku shita. sono kekka, daigaku de seikou shita.
My older brother worked way harder than anyone else. As a result, he has succeeded in college.
Example #8

muri o shita kekka, karada o kowashite nyuuin suri koto ni natta.
As a result of overdoing it, I ended up in the hospital.
Example #9

watashitachi wa hanashiatta kekka, sore wa fuyou to kangaeru.
As a result of what we discussed, we believe that is unnecessary.
Example #10

ryoukin o 10% yasuku shita kekka, riyousha ga itsumo yori 30% mo fueta.
As a result of reducing the fee by 10%, there was an increase of 30% of users.

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