This is a complete list of the Japanese grammar rules needed to study for and pass the N4 Japanese Language Proficiency Test.
Although there is no official JLPT N4 grammar list, most grammar points that have been featured on previous tests are included in this list.
Each lesson is arranged in English romaji alphabetical order. In total, there are over 132 grammar lessons that you need to know in order to pass the N4.
Click on the lesson link for detailed notes about grammar structure, how-to-use, conjugations, example sentences, interactive aids, and more.
Bonus downloads for supporters on Patreon:
- Printable PDF N4 grammar list / N4 kanji list
- Ebook – N4 Grammar Master Complete Study Guide
- N4 grammar flashcard batch download, and more!
# | Grammar Lesson | 文法レッスン | Grammar Meaning |
41 | made ni | までに | by; by the time; indicates time limit |
42 | mama | まま | as it is; current state; without changing |
43 | matawa | または | both; or; otherwise; choice between [A] or [B] |
44 | mitai da | みたいだ | like; similar to; resembling ~ |
45 | mitai na | みたいな | like, similar to ~ |
46 | mitai ni | みたいに | like; similar to ~ |
47 | mo | も | as many as; as much as; up to; nearly ~ |
48 | na | な | don’t ~ (order somebody to not do something) |
49 | nado | など | such as; things like ~ |
50 | nagara | ながら | while; during; as; simultaneously |
51 | nakanaka~nai | なかなか~ない | not easy to; struggling to; not able to ~ |
52 | nakereba ikenai | なければいけない | must do something; have to do something |
53 | nakereba naranai | なければならない | must do something; have to do something |
54 | nara | なら | if; in the case that ~ |
55 | nasai | なさい | do this (soft/firm command) |
56 | nasaru | なさる | to do (honorific) |
57 | ni ki ga tsuku | に気がつく(にきがつく) | to notice; to realize |
58 | ni mieru | に見える(にみえる) | to look; to seem; to appear |
59 | ni suru | にする | to make something ~ |
60 | nikui | にくい | difficult to do ~ |
61 | no naka de | の中で(のなかで) | in; among ~ |
62 | noni | のに | although, in spite of, even though ~ |
63 | noni | のに | to (do something); in order to ~ |
64 | nowa~da | のは〜だ | [A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B] |
65 | o~kudasai | お~ください | please do ~ (honorific) |
66 | o~ni naru | お~になる | to do (honorific) |
67 | oki ni | おきに | repeated at intervals, every ~ |
68 | owaru | 終わる(おわる) | to finish; to end~ |
69 | rareru | られる | potential form; ability or inability to do something |
70 | rashii | らしい | it seems like; I heard; apparently ~ |
71 | sa | さ | -ness ; nominalizer for adjective |
72 | sakki | さっき | some time ago; just now |
73 | saserareru | させられる | causative-passive; to be made to do something |
74 | saseru | させる | causative form; to make/let somebody do something |
75 | sasete kudasai | させてください | please let me do |
76 | sasuga | さすが | as one would expect; as is to be expected; even ~ |
77 | shi | し | and; and what’s more ~ (emphasis) |
78 | sonna ni | そんなに | so much; so; like that |
79 | sore demo | それでも | but still; and yet; even so ~ |
80 | sore ni | それに | besides; in addition; also; moreover ~ |
JLPT N4 Grammar List total: (132)
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JLPT N4 Study Guide
JLPT N4 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N4, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 293.
Grammar lessons: 131.
N4 Flashcards
*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.