This is a complete JLPT N3 particle list of every intermediate Japanese particle you must know.
Japanese particles, 助詞 (joshi), are suffixes or short words in Japanese grammar that immediately follow the modified noun, verb, adjective, or sentence.
Some are are similar to prepositions in English, though there is a wide variety of different uses and meanings.
Click on any of the links in the list for a full lesson with more detailed grammar information & examples of each particle.
JLPT N3 Particles Complete Study Guide
# | Romaji | Japanese | Grammar Meaning | Level |
1 | ba ii | ばいい | should; can; it’d be good if ~ | N3 |
2 | ba~hodo | ば~ほど | the more… the more ~ | N3 |
3 | ba~noni | ば~のに | would have; should have; if only ~ | N3 |
4 | hodo | ほど | degree; extent; bounds; upper limit | N3 |
5 | hodo~nai | ほど~ない | is not as… as ~ | N3 |
6 | ikura~temo | いくら~ても | no matter how ~ | N3 |
7 | kara~ni kakete | から〜にかけて | through; from [A] to [B] | N3 |
8 | kiri | きり | only; just; since; after ~ | N3 |
9 | kke | っけ | a casual suffix to confirm something you are trying to remember | N3 |
10 | koso | こそ | for sure (emphasize preceding word); precisely; definitely ~ | N3 |
11 | koto | こと | (must) do | N3 |
12 | kurai / gurai | くらい / ぐらい | approximately; about; around; to the extent ~ | N3 |
13 | kuse ni | くせに | and yet; though; in spite of; despite ~ | N3 |
14 | mo~ba~mo | も~ば~も | and; also; as well; either/or; neither/nor | N3 |
15 | moshimo~tara | もしも〜たら | if; in the case; supposing ~ | N3 |
16 | nagara mo | ながらも | but; although; despite ~ | N3 |
17 | nanka / nante / nado | なんか / なんて / など | give examples; show modesty; make light of ~ | N3 |
18 | ni shite mo | にしても | even if; even though; regardless of ~ | N3 |
19 | ni shite wa | にしては | for; considering it’s (something or someone) | N3 |
20 | ni totte | にとって | to; for; concerning; as far as ... is concerned; regarding ~ | N3 |
21 | ni tsuite | について | concerning; regarding; about; on ~ | N3 |
22 | ni wa | には | for the purpose of; in order to ~ | N3 |
23 | sae | さえ | even; so much as; not even | N3 |
24 | sae~ba | さえ~ば | if only; as long as ~ | N3 |
25 | shikanai | しかない | have no choice but ~ | N3 |
26 | suuryou + wa | 数量 + は【すうりょう + は】 | at least ~ | N3 |
27 | ta mono da | たものだ | used to do; would often do | N3 |
28 | tatte | たって | even if; even though; no matter how ~ | N3 |
29 | to ii / tara ii | といい / たらいい | it would be nice if; should; I hope ~ | N3 |
| ||||
30 | toshite | として | as; in the role of ~ | N3 |
31 | towa kagiranai | とは限らない【とはかぎらない】 | not necessarily so; is not always true | N3 |
32 | wa betsu toshite | は別として【はべつとして】 | aside from; apart from; except for; whether or not ~ | N3 |
33 | yorimo | よりも | in comparison to; rather than; more than ~ | N3 |
Total JLPT N3 Particles Lessons (33)
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