This is the JLPT N3 kanji list, which includes 370 characters specific to the N3 level.
You must know about 650 kanji in total in order to pass the JLPT N3, including kanji from N4 & N5, so make sure to review those lists as well.
Click on any of the kanji below to go to the lesson for that kanji. There you can get more detailed information, including common vocabulary words and example sentences using that kanji.
download N3 Kanji List PDF (members only).
# | Kanji | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Kanji Meaning |
101 | 容 | you ヨウ | contain, form | |
102 | 必 | hitsu ヒツ | kanara(zu) かなら(ず) | invariably, certain, inevitable |
103 | 演 | en エン | performance, act, play, render, stage | |
104 | 歳 | sai, sei サイ、セイ | age, year-end | |
105 | 争 | sou ソウ | araso(u) あらそ(う) | contend, dispute, argue |
106 | 談 | dan ダン | discuss, talk | |
107 | 能 | nou ノウ | ata(u) あた(う) | ability, talent, skill, capacity |
108 | 位 | i イ | kurai, gurai くらい、 ぐらい | rank, grade, about |
109 | 置 | chi チ | o(ku) お(く) | placement, put, set, deposit, leave behind |
110 | 流 | ryuu, ru リュウ、ル | naga(reru) なが(れる) | current, flow |
111 | 格 | kaku, kou, kyaku カク、コウ、キャク | status, rank, capacity | |
112 | 疑 | gi ギ | utaga(u) うたが(う) | doubt, distrust |
113 | 過 | ka カ | su(giru), yogi(ru) す(ぎる)、よぎ(る) | overdo, exceed, go beyond |
114 | 局 | kyoku キョク | bureau, board, office | |
115 | 放 | hou ホウ | hana(su), hou(ru) はな(す)、ほう(る) | set free, release |
116 | 常 | jou ジョウ | tsune つね | usual, ordinary, normal |
117 | 状 | jou ジョウ | conditions, form, appearance | |
118 | 球 | kyuu キュウ | tama たま | ball, sphere |
119 | 職 | shoku ショク | post, employment, work | |
120 | 与 | yo ヨ | ata(eru), azuka(ru) あた(える)、 あずか(る) | give, award |
121 | 供 | kyou, ku, kuu キョウ、ク、クウ | sona(eru), tomo そな(える)、とも | submit, offer, present, accompany |
122 | 役 | yaku, eki ヤク、エキ | duty, service, role | |
123 | 構 | kou コウ | kama(u) かま(う) | posture, build, pretend |
124 | 割 | katsu カツ | wa(ru), wari わ(る)、わり | proportion, divide, cut, separate |
125 | 身 | shin シン | mi み | somebody, person |
126 | 費 | hi ヒ | tsui(yasu) つい(やす) | expense, consume |
127 | 付 | fu フ | tsu(keru) つ(ける) | adhere, attach, refer to, append |
128 | 由 | yu, yuu ユ、ユウ | yoshi, yo(ru) よし、よ(る) | wherefore, a reason |
129 | 説 | setsu, zei セツ、 ゼイ | to(ku) と(く) | opinion, theory, explanation |
130 | 難 | nan ナン | kata(i), muzuka(shii), niku(i) かた(い)、むずか(しい)、 にく(い) | difficult, trouble, accident |
131 | 優 | yuu, u ユウ、ウ | yasa(shii), sugu(reru) やさ(しい)、すぐ(れる) | tenderness, kind, actor |
132 | 夫 | fu, fuu フ、フウ | otto おっと | husband, man |
133 | 収 | shuu シュウ | osa(meru) おさ(める) | income, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store |
134 | 断 | dan ダン | ta(tsu), kotowa(ru) た(つ)、 ことわ(る) | severance, decline, refuse, apologize |
135 | 石 | seki, shaku, koku セキ、シャク、コク | ishi いし | stone |
136 | 違 | i イ | chiga(u), taga(u) ちが(う)、たが(う) | difference, differ |
137 | 消 | shou ショウ | ki(eru), ke(su) き(える)、け(す) | extinguish, turn off |
138 | 神 | shin, jin シン、 ジン | kami かみ | gods, mind, soul |
139 | 番 | ban バン | tsugai つが(い) | turn, number in a series |
140 | 規 | ki キ | standard, measure | |
141 | 術 | jutsu ジュツ | sube すべ | art, technique, skill, means, trick |
142 | 備 | bi ビ | sona(eru) そな(える) | equip, provision, preparation |
143 | 宅 | taku タク | home, house, residence | |
144 | 害 | gai ガイ | harm, injury | |
145 | 配 | hai ハイ | kuba(ru) くば(る) | distribute, spouse |
146 | 警 | kei ケイ | admonish, commandment | |
147 | 育 | iku イク | soda(tsu), haguku(mu) そだ(つ)、はぐく(む) | bring up, grow up, raise |
148 | 席 | seki セキ | mushiro むしろ | seat |
149 | 訪 | hou ホウ | toozu(reru), tazu(neru) おとず(れる)、たず(ねる) | call on, visit |
150 | 乗 | jou, shou ジョウ、 ショウ | no(ru) の(る) | ride |
151 | 残 | zan ザン | noko(ru) のこ(る) | remainder, balance |
152 | 想 | sou, so ソウ、ソ | omo(u) おも(う) | concept, think, idea |
153 | 声 | sei, shou セイ、ショウ | koe こえ | voice |
154 | 助 | jo ジョ | tasu(keru) たす(ける) | help, rescue, assist |
155 | 労 | rou ロウ | rou(suru), itawa(ru), negira(u) ろう(する)、いたわ(る)、ねぎら(う) | labor, thank for |
156 | 例 | rei レイ | tato(eba) たと(えば) | example |
157 | 然 | zen, nen ゼン、ネン | shika, sa しか、さ | sort of thing, if so |
158 | 限 | gen ゲン | kagi(ru) かぎ(る) | limit, restrict |
159 | 追 | tsui ツイ | o(u) お(う) | chase, drive away |
160 | 商 | shou ショウ | akina(u) あきな(う) | deal; selling; merchant |
161 | 葉 | you ヨウ | ha は | leaf, plane, needle, blade, counter for flat things |
162 | 伝 | den デン | tsuta(waru) つた(わる) | transmit, go along, walk along, follow, report, communicate, legend, tradition |
163 | 働 | dou ドウ | hatara(ku) はたら(く) | work |
164 | 形 | kei, gyou ケイ、ギョウ | kata, katachi, nari かた、かたち、なり | shape, form, style |
165 | 景 | kei, ke ケイ、ケ | scenery, view | |
166 | 落 | raku ラク | o(chiru) お(ちる) | fall, drop |
167 | 好 | kou コウ | kono(mu), su(ku) この(む)、 す(く) | fond, pleasing, like something |
168 | 退 | tai タイ | shirizo(ku), hi(ku), no(keru), do(ku) しりぞ(く)、 ひ(く)、 の(ける)、 ど(く) | retreat, withdraw, retire, resign, repel, expel, reject |
169 | 頭 | tou, zu, to トウ、ズ、ト | atama, kashira あたま、かしら | head |
170 | 負 | fu フ | ma(keru), o(u) ま(ける)、 お(う) | defeat, negative, minus, assume a responsibility |
171 | 渡 | to ト | wata(ru) わた(る) | transit, ferry, cross |
172 | 失 | shitsu シツ | ushina(u), u(seru) うしな(う)、 う(せる) | lose, error, fault, disadvantage, loss |
173 | 差 | sa サ | sa(su) さ(す) | distinction, difference, variation |
174 | 末 | matsu マツ | sue すえ | end, close, tip |
175 | 守 | shu, su シュ、ス | mamo(ru), mori まも(る)、もり | guard, protect, obey |
176 | 若 | jaku ジャク | waka(i), mo(shi) わか(い)、も(し) | young |
177 | 種 | shu シュ | tane, -gusa たね、-ぐさ | species, kind, class, seed |
178 | 美 | bi, mi ビ、 ミ | utsukushii うつく(しい) | beauty, beautiful |
179 | 命 | mei, myou メイ、ミョウ | inochi いのち | fate, command |
180 | 福 | fuku フク | blessing, fortune, luck, wealth | |
181 | 望 | bou ボウ | nozo(mu), mochi のぞ(む)、 もち | ambition, full moon, hope, desire, aspire to, expect |
182 | 非 | hi ヒ | ara(zu) あら(ず) | un-, mistake, negative |
183 | 観 | kan カン | mi(ru) み(る) | outlook, appearance, condition |
184 | 察 | satsu サツ | guess, presume, judge | |
185 | 段 | dan ダン | grade, steps, stairs | |
186 | 横 | ou オウ | yoko よこ | sideways, side |
187 | 深 | shin シン | fuka(i) ふか(い) | deep, heighten |
188 | 申 | shin シン | mou(su), saru もう(す)、さる | have the honor to |
189 | 様 | you ヨウ | sama, san さま、さん | manner, situation, polite suffix |
190 | 財 | zai, sai, zoku ザイ、 サイ、 ゾク | property, money, wealth, assets | |
191 | 港 | kou コウ | minato みなと | harbor, port |
192 | 識 | shiki シキ | shi(ru) し(る) | know |
193 | 呼 | ko コ | yo(bu) よ(ぶ) | call, invite |
194 | 達 | tatsu, da タツ、 ダ | -tachi -たち | accomplished, reach, arrive, attain |
195 | 良 | ryou リョウ | yo(i), i(i) よ(い)、い(い) | good |
196 | 阪 | han ハン | saka さか | heights, slope |
197 | 候 | kou コウ | sourou そうろう | climate, season, weather |
198 | 程 | tei テイ | hodo ほど | extent, degree |
199 | 満 | man マン | mi(chiru) み(ちる) | full, fullness, enough, satisfy |
200 | 敗 | hai ハイ | yabu(reru) やぶ(れる) | failure, defeat |
JLPT N3 Kanji List total: (370)
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JLPT N3 Study Guide
JLPT N3 Grammar Master [e-book]
Complete Study Guide
This e-book includes every grammar point you need to know in order to pass the JLPT N3, with detailed usage notes and numerous example sentences.
Pages: 378.
Grammar lessons: 182.
N3 Flashcards
*NOTE* Officially, there are no kanji, vocabulary, or grammar lists for the JLPT. As a result, it is not possible to be certain which kanji, words, or grammar will or will not appear in a given test. Our study lists are based on prior test data and comparisons with other available lists of JLPT kanji, vocabulary, grammar, etc.