This is a complete list of upper-intermediate Japanese adverbs that you must know in order to pass the JLPT N2.
Adverbs are words that modify other words (verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and even full sentences).
In Japanese, adjectives can be turned into adverbs by adding に (ni) at the end. This is similar to the English ‘ly’, as in quickly.
- Review JLPT N2 Adjectives.
- Review JLPT N2 Vocabulary.
- Review JLPT N2 Grammar.
JLPT N2 Adverbs Complete Study Guide
# | Romaji | Japanese | Grammar Meaning | Level |
1 | aruiwa | あるいは | or; either; maybe; perhaps; possibly ~ | N2 |
2 | bakari ni | ばかりに | simply because; on account of~ (negative result) | N2 |
3 | dou yara | どうやら | possibly; apparently; seems like; somehow; barely ~ | N2 |
4 | douse | どうせ | anyhow; in any case; at any rate; after all; no matter what | N2 |
5 | futatabi | 再び【ふたたび】 | again; once more | N2 |
6 | gyaku ni | 逆に【ぎゃくに】 | conversely; on the contrary ~ | N2 |
7 | hanmen | 反面【はんめん】 | while, although; on the other hand~ | N2 |
8 | hatashite | 果たして【はたして】 | as was expected; sure enough; really; actually ~ | N2 |
9 | ichiou | 一応【いちおう】 | more or less; pretty much; roughly; tentatively ~ | N2 |
10 | igai | 以外【いがい】 | with the exception of; excepting ~ | N2 |
11 | ijou ni | 以上に【いじょうに】 | more than; not less than; beyond ~ | N2 |
12 | ikinari | いきなり | abruptly; suddenly; all of a sudden; without warning | N2 |
13 | ikki ni | 一気に【いっきに】 | in one go; without stopping; all at once; immediately; instantly; right away ~ | N2 |
14 | ittan | 一旦【いったん】 | once; for a short time; briefly; temporarily | N2 |
15 | madashimo | まだしも | rather; better ~ | N2 |
16 | mattaku~nai | 全く~ない【まったく~ない】 | not at all ~ | N2 |
17 | motomoto | 元々【もともと】 | originally, by nature, from the start | N2 |
18 | nao | なお | still; yet; furthermore; in addition ~ | N2 |
19 | osoraku | 恐らく【おそらく】 | perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say ~ | N2 |
20 | roku ni~nai | ろくに~ない | not well; not enough; improperly; insufficiently; unsatisfactorily ~ | N2 |
21 | saisan | 再三【さいさん】 | again and again; repeatedly | N2 |
22 | saiwai na koto ni | 幸いなことに【さいわいなことに】 | fortunately; luckily; thankfully ~ | N2 |
23 | sassoku | 早速【さっそく】 | at once; immediately; without delay; promptly | N2 |
24 | sekkaku | せっかく | especially; (thank you for) troubling to, going to great pains for ~ | N2 |
25 | semete | せめて | at least; at most ~ | N2 |
26 | shidai ni | 次第に【しだいに】 | gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order | N2 |
27 | sono ue | その上【そのうえ】 | besides; in addition; furthermore ~ | N2 |
28 | sue ni | 末に【すえに】 | finally; after; following; at the end/ conclusion of ~ | N2 |
29 | sukoshi mo~nai | 少しも~ない【すこしも~ない】 | not one bit; not even a little ~ | N2 |
| ||||
30 | sukunaku tomo | 少なくとも【すくなくとも】 | at least ~ | N2 |
31 | tadachi ni | 直ちに【ただちに】 | at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically ~ | N2 |
32 | to douji ni | と同時に【とどうじに】 | at the same time as; while; simultaneously ~ | N2 |
33 | tokku ni | とっくに | long ago; already; a long time ago | N2 |
34 | wa moto yori | はもとより | also; let alone; from the beginning | N2 |
35 | wa tomokaku | はともかく | anyhow; anyway; regardless; in any case; whether or not ~ | N2 |
36 | wazuka ni | わずかに | slightly; only; barely; narrowly ~ | N2 |
37 | yagate | やがて | before long; soon; almost; eventually ~ | N2 |
38 | yohodo / yoppodo | よほど / よっぽど | very; greatly; much; to a large extent | N2 |
39 | you suru ni | 要するに【ようするに】 | in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply ~ | N2 |
Total JLPT N2 Adverbs Lessons (39)
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