This is a complete list of all Japanese adverbs arranged in alphabetical order with JLPT levels.
Adverbs are words that modify other words (verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and even full sentences).
In Japanese, adjectives can be turned into adverbs by adding に (ni) at the end. This is similar to the English ‘ly’, as in quickly.
Japanese adverbs Complete Study Guide
# | Romaji | Japanese | Grammar Meaning | Level |
101 | moshimo~tara | もしも〜たら | if; in the case; supposing ~ | N3 |
102 | motomoto | 元々【もともと】 | originally, by nature, from the start | N2 |
103 | motto | もっと | more; longer; further | N5 |
104 | mou | もう | already; anymore; again; other | N5 |
105 | mousugu | もうすぐ | soon | N4 |
106 | mushiro | むしろ | rather; instead; better ~ | N3 |
107 | nakanaka | なかなか | very; quite; pretty; rather; just not ~ | N3 |
108 | nakanaka~nai | なかなか~ない | not easy to; struggling to; not able to ~ | N4 |
109 | nan to iu / nanto / nante | なんという / なんと / なんて | how (beautiful, etc.); what a ~ | N1 |
110 | nani shiro | 何しろ【なにしろ】 | at any rate; after all; anyhow; anyway; in any case; because; as you know ~ | N1 |
111 | nanka / nante / nado | なんか / なんて / など | give examples; show modesty; make light of ~ | N3 |
112 | nao | なお | still; yet; furthermore; in addition ~ | N2 |
113 | nari ni / nari no | なりに / なりの | suitable; in one's own way/style | N1 |
114 | nari tomo | なりとも | at least; even just a little (adverbial particle) | N1 |
115 | naru beku | なるべく | as much as possible | N3 |
116 | naruhodo | なるほど | now I understand | N4 |
117 | naze | 何故【なぜ】 | why; how | N5 |
118 | no naka de | の中で【のなかで】 | in; among ~ | N4 |
119 | no nan notte | のなんのって | extremely ~ (cannot be expressed in words) | N1 |
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120 | onaji | 同じ【おなじ】 | same | N5 |
121 | ori ni | 折に【おりに】 | when; at the time; on the occasion ~ | N1 |
122 | osoraku | 恐らく【おそらく】 | perhaps; likely; probably; I dare say ~ | N2 |
123 | oyoso | およそ | about; roughly; generally; approximately; completely ~ | N1 |
124 | roku ni~nai | ろくに~ない | not well; not enough; improperly; insufficiently; unsatisfactorily ~ | N2 |
125 | sai ni | 際に【さいに】 | when; at the time of; in the case of ~ | N3 |
126 | saichuu ni | 最中に【さいちゅうに】 | while; during; in the middle of ~ | N3 |
127 | saisan | 再三【さいさん】 | again and again; repeatedly | N2 |
128 | saiwai na koto ni | 幸いなことに【さいわいなことに】 | fortunately; luckily; thankfully ~ | N2 |
129 | samo | さも | really (seem, appear, etc.); truly; as if ~ | N1 |
130 | sara ni | さらに | furthermore; again; more and more ~ | N3 |
131 | sassoku | 早速【さっそく】 | at once; immediately; without delay; promptly | N2 |
132 | sasuga | さすが | as one would expect; as is to be expected; even ~ | N4 |
133 | sazo | さぞ | surely; certainly; no doubt; indeed ~ | N1 |
134 | seizei | せいぜい | at the most; at best; to the utmost | N3 |
135 | sekkaku | せっかく | especially; (thank you for) troubling to, going to great pains for ~ | N2 |
136 | semete | せめて | at least; at most ~ | N2 |
137 | shibaraku | しばらく | for a moment; for a while; for the time being | N3 |
138 | shidai ni | 次第に【しだいに】 | gradually (progress into a state); in sequence; in order | N2 |
139 | shikkari | しっかり | firmly; steadily | N4 |
140 | sonna ni | そんなに | so much; so; like that | N4 |
141 | sono ue | その上【そのうえ】 | besides; in addition; furthermore ~ | N2 |
142 | sore hodo | それほど | to that extent | N4 |
143 | sorosoro | そろそろ | gradually; soon | N4 |
144 | sou da [2] | そうだ | looks like; appears like; seeming ~ | N4 |
145 | sude ni | すでに | something has already been done/taken place; is already the case | N3 |
146 | sue ni | 末に【すえに】 | finally; after; following; at the end/ conclusion of ~ | N2 |
147 | sugu ni | 直ぐに【すぐに 】 | immediately; right away; instantly | N5 |
148 | sukkari | すっかり | completely | N4 |
149 | sukoshi | 少し【すこし】 | a little (bit); small quantity; few; short distance | N5 |
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150 | sukoshi mo~nai | 少しも~ない【すこしも~ない】 | not one bit; not even a little ~ | N2 |
151 | sukoshimo | 少しも【すこしも】 | anything of; not one bit (with negative sentence) | N3 |
152 | sukunaku tomo | 少なくとも【すくなくとも】 | at least ~ | N2 |
153 | sunawachi | すなわち | in other words; namely ~ | N3 |
154 | ta hazumi ni / ta hyoushi ni | た弾みに / た拍子に【たはずみに / たひょうしに】 | the moment [A], unintentionally / inadvertently caused something to happen | N1 |
155 | ta totan | たとたん | as soon as; just as ~ | N3 |
156 | tabi ni | たびに | whenever; every time ~ | N3 |
157 | tabun | 多分【たぶん】 | perhaps; probably | N5 |
158 | tada~nomi da | ただ~のみだ | all we can do is; can do nothing but; only ~ | N1 |
159 | tadachi ni | 直ちに【ただちに】 | at once; immediately; directly; in person; automatically ~ | N2 |
160 | taihen | 大変 【たいへん】 | very; greatly; terribly; serious; difficult | N5 |
161 | taitei | たいてい | usually | N4 |
162 | tamani | たまに | occasionally | N4 |
163 | tashika ni | 確かに【たしかに】 | surely, certainly ~ | N3 |
164 | tashou | 多少【たしょう】 | more or less; somewhat; a little; a few; some | N3 |
165 | tatoe~temo | たとえ~ても | even if… is the case | N3 |
166 | tatoeba | 例えば【たとえば】 | for example; for instance ~ | N3 |
167 | to aimatte | と相まって【とあいまって】 | together with..., more; because of the influence of..., more ~ | N1 |
168 | to douji ni | と同時に【とどうじに】 | at the same time as; while; simultaneously ~ | N2 |
169 | to tomo ni | と共に【とともに】 | together with; at the same time as; as well as ~ | N3 |
170 | tochuu de / tochuu ni | 途中で/途中に【とちゅうで/とちゅうに】 | on the way; in the middle of ~ | N3 |
171 | tokidoki | 時々【ときどき】 | sometimes; at times | N5 |
172 | tokku ni | とっくに | long ago; already; a long time ago | N2 |
173 | tokuni | 特に【とくに】 | particularly; especially; in particular; expressly | N4 |
174 | tomo sureba | ともすれば | apt to (do); tend to; liable to; prone to ~ | N1 |
175 | toori ni | とおりに | in the same way as; in the way; as ~ | N3 |
176 | toriwake | とりわけ | especially; above all ~ | N1 |
177 | tossa ni | とっさに | at once; right away; promptly | N1 |
178 | totemo | とても | very; awfully; exceedingly | N5 |
179 | totemo~nai | とても~ない | cannot possibly be; hardly ~ | N3 |
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180 | toutou | 到頭【とうとう】 | finally, after all | N4 |
181 | tsugou | 都合【つごう】 | convenience | N4 |
182 | tsui | つい | accidentally; unintentionally; by mistake | N3 |
183 | tsui ni | ついに | finally; at last; in the end ~ | N3 |
184 | tsuide ni | ついでに | while, incidentally, at the same time, on the way ~ | N3 |
185 | tsumari | つまり | in other words; in summary; in short ~ | N3 |
186 | wa mochiron | はもちろん | not to mention; not only ... but also ~ | N3 |
187 | wa moto yori | はもとより | also; let alone; from the beginning | N2 |
188 | wa tomokaku | はともかく | anyhow; anyway; regardless; in any case; whether or not ~ | N2 |
189 | wari ni | 割に【わりに】 | considering ~; for ~; despite ~ | N3 |
190 | wazato | わざと | on purpose; intentionally ~ | N3 |
191 | wazawaza | わざわざ | to go to the trouble of; to go out of one's way to ~ | N3 |
192 | wazuka ni | わずかに | slightly; only; barely; narrowly ~ | N2 |
193 | yagate | やがて | before long; soon; almost; eventually ~ | N2 |
194 | yappari | やっぱり | as I thought | N4 |
195 | yatto | やっと | at last; finally; barely; narrowly ~ | N4 |
196 | yohodo / yoppodo | よほど / よっぽど | very; greatly; much; to a large extent | N2 |
197 | yoku | よく | often, well | N5 |
198 | yori | より | than; rather than; more than ~ | N4 |
199 | you suru ni | 要するに【ようするに】 | in short; in a word; to sum up; to put it simply ~ | N2 |
200 | yukkuri | ゆっくり | slowly | N5 |
Total Japanese adverbs Lessons (204)
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